MOOC – CSER Digital Technologies

Hi Everyone,

Happy 2015 and thanks for stopping by my blog.

I have started 2015 off by beginning my own ‘Professional Learning’ by beginning the MOOC  (Massive Open Online Course) CSER Digital Technologies F- 6 which I hope to work through during my January summer holidays.

Yes I hear you ask, why would I be spending my wonderful Melbourne summer holiday month of January completing this online course?  Well the reason being that here in Australia we have a new curriculum and as the ICT Specialist Teacher and ICT Leader at my current school, I am needing to get my head around this new curriculum and begin to implement it this school year.

What is the course called? 

CSER Digital Technologies – Foundations to 6

This course will explain the fundamentals of digital technology and computational thinking specifically addressing learning objectives of the Australian Digital Technologies curriculum (Foundation-6). Come learn about how digital technology can be integrated into your classroom, exploring example lesson plans, and helping form a community designed to share resources and support.

Computer Science Education Research Group
School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide

Is it FREE?

Yes 🙂 this course is free for educators in Australia 🙂

How Long Does it Run For?

This course opened on the 1st of December and I have up until the end of February to complete it to be able to receive recognition.

Reflections During and Following Completion?

I have created a new page here on my blog and will add regular reflections and updates. This course is developed by ‘University of Adelaide’ to assist teachers to best implement the features and components of the ‘Australian Digital Technologies Curriculum’.